kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,explore crateria
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,explore crateria
kill king cacatac,visit the animals,activate chozo robots,kill shaktool,kill the orange geemer,tickle the red fish,collect 100% items,kill all G4,kill three minibosses
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,collect 100% items,explore 100% map
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,collect 100% items,explore 100% map
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
''Progression speed'' forced to speedrun
''VARIA HUD'' forced to on
Start Location forced to Landing Site because of Scavenger mode
Enemies enabled during escape sequence
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
''Progression speed'' forced to speedrun
''VARIA HUD'' forced to on
Start Location forced to Landing Site because of Scavenger mode
''Escape randomization'' forced to on
Enemies enabled during escape sequence
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia
kill all G4,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades,explore 75% map,kill all kagos,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,activate chozo robots,kill all yapping maws,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill shaktool,kill the orange geemer,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,explore crateria
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,explore crateria
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,collect 75% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,collect 75% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4,collect 100% items
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4,collect 100% items
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4,collect 100% items
kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws,kill all G4,collect 100% items
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac
kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac
kill king cacatac,visit the animals,activate chozo robots,kill shaktool,kill the orange geemer,tickle the red fish,collect 100% items,kill all G4,kill three minibosses
kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,collect all upgrades,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map,kill spore spawn,clear crateria,clear red brinstar,explore crateria,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair
kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,collect all upgrades,clear east maridia,kill all G4,collect 75% items,explore 75% map,explore 50% map,kill spore spawn,clear crateria,clear red brinstar,explore crateria,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair