Super Metroid VARIA Randomizer and Solver statistics

Randomizer statistics

Customizer statistics

Solver statistics

Interactive Solver statistics

Randomizer parameters repartition

Solver data

id actionTime romFileName preset difficultyTarget pickupStrategy returnCode duration difficulty knowsUsed knowsKnown itemsOk remainTry remainMajors remainMinors skippedMajors unavailMajors forbiddenItems
95316 2025-01-19 00:48:08 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7052270135676001139_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 896.2 55 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95317 2025-01-19 00:49:04 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7052270135676001139_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 649.5 55 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95318 2025-01-19 00:54:25 VARIA_Randomizer_SX7551165250553403265_regular_speedrun.sfc regular 5 any 0 615.1 10 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95319 2025-01-19 01:25:01 VARIA_Randomizer_SX7551165250553403265_regular_speedrun.sfc regular 5 any 0 2177. 10 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95320 2025-01-19 01:35:01 VARIA_Randomizer_SX7551165250553403265_regular_speedrun.sfc regular 5 any 0 885.0 10 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95321 2025-01-19 01:39:02 SFOSF.sfc regular 5 any 0 4544. 25 5 39 1 0 0 0 4 6 None
95322 2025-01-19 02:16:26 The Plando Awakens.sfc regular 5 any 0 380.8 -1 2 39 0 0 27 0 0 0 None
95323 2025-01-19 02:17:12 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2662201060107726574_casual_slow.sfc casual 5 all 0 615.4 70 7 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95324 2025-01-19 03:05:35 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5365530668856360863_casual_medium.sfc casual 1 any 0 419.9 -1 5 23 0 0 70 0 0 0 None
95325 2025-01-19 03:18:54 VARIA_Randomizer_FX3273603381648219492_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 389.8 59 18 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95326 2025-01-19 03:35:21 VARIA_Randomizer_FX3273603381648219492_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 439.1 59 18 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95327 2025-01-19 06:16:39 metroidrandomizer3.sfc regular 5 any 0 386.1 50 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95328 2025-01-19 06:17:42 metroidrandomizer3.sfc regular 5 any 0 646.4 50 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95329 2025-01-19 06:20:13 metroidrandomizer3.sfc regular 5 any 0 590.0 50 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95330 2025-01-19 07:57:29 VARIA_Randomizer_FX3273603381648219492_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 724.4 59 18 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95331 2025-01-19 11:09:57 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1862864593972089598_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 296.6 -1 11 44 0 0 48 0 0 0 ETank
95332 2025-01-19 11:13:29 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8408954559034690707_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 847.6 60 10 44 1 0 0 0 0 2 ETank
95333 2025-01-19 11:23:37 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8408954559034690707_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 500.5 60 10 44 1 0 0 0 0 2 ETank
95334 2025-01-19 12:27:23 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6325378509682234689_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 486.9 39 8 44 1 0 0 0 0 1 ETank
95335 2025-01-19 12:50:11 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja) (patched).sfc veteran 5 any 1 299.8 None None None None None None None None None None
95336 2025-01-19 13:41:27 Weekly Race 1.sfc regular 5 any 0 239.9 -1 1 39 0 0 71 0 0 0 None
95337 2025-01-19 13:44:26 Weekly Race 1.sfc regular 5 any 0 193.6 -1 1 39 0 0 71 0 0 0 Varia
95338 2025-01-19 13:45:16 Weekly Race 1.sfc regular 5 any 0 252.6 -1 1 39 0 0 71 0 0 0 None
95339 2025-01-19 13:45:28 Weekly Race 1.sfc regular 5 any 0 238.6 -1 1 39 0 0 71 0 0 0 None
95340 2025-01-19 13:45:43 Weekly Race 1.sfc master 5 any 0 246.9 -1 1 108 0 0 71 0 0 0 None
95341 2025-01-19 13:50:04 Weekly Race 1.sfc newbie 100 any 0 1247. -1 0 5 0 1 71 0 0 0 None
95342 2025-01-19 14:24:47 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 25 all 0 1907. 1 1 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95343 2025-01-19 14:26:00 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1942. 1 1 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95344 2025-01-19 14:26:34 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 782.7 -1 0 24 0 0 104 0 0 0 Bomb
95345 2025-01-19 14:26:45 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 744.2 -1 1 24 0 0 102 0 0 0 Wave
95346 2025-01-19 14:26:53 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1279. 1 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 1 Grapple
95347 2025-01-19 14:27:01 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 5057. 10 4 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 HiJump
95348 2025-01-19 14:27:47 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1384. 1 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 9 Ice
95349 2025-01-19 14:27:59 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1714. 32 3 24 0 0 0 0 0 13 Varia
95350 2025-01-19 14:28:52 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 548.3 -1 0 24 0 0 107 0 0 0 Gravity
95351 2025-01-19 14:29:18 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 2009. 1 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 9 Ice
95352 2025-01-19 14:30:13 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1553384238404137658_biomedicalman_VARIAble.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1808. 1 1 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95353 2025-01-19 14:30:55 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6234732294226002252_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 926.7 13 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95354 2025-01-19 15:28:56 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5365530668856360863_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 253.0 -1 5 23 0 0 70 0 0 0 None
95355 2025-01-19 15:40:07 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6325378509682234689_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 25 any 0 883.4 39 9 44 1 0 0 0 0 1 ETank
95356 2025-01-19 16:32:12 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4086773442520721876_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 689.0 10 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95357 2025-01-19 17:04:45 VARIA_Randomizer_DMX6012879903242768375_regular_speedrun.sfc regular 5 any 0 1115. 11 13 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95358 2025-01-19 17:32:20 VARIA_Randomizer_FX2296682351830912818_c445_slow.sfc c445 5 any 0 1184. 25 10 45 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95359 2025-01-19 17:58:06 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6777726489220719194_TheCelkieTrainingGrounds_medium.sfc TheCelkieTrainingGrounds 5 any 0 1875. 1 3 42 1 0 0 0 1 2 None
95360 2025-01-19 18:46:57 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3360450005454231499_veteran_VARIAble.sfc veteran 5 any 0 2098. 50 6 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95361 2025-01-19 18:47:05 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABSX7005332001467434515_veteran_speedrun.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1510. 50 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95362 2025-01-19 19:12:33 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4367960271328432582_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 417.5 -1 6 45 0 0 54 0 0 0 ETank
95363 2025-01-19 19:14:40 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 1334. -1 11 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95364 2025-01-19 19:14:48 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 10 any 0 927.0 -1 10 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95365 2025-01-19 19:14:53 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 25 any 0 512.0 -1 10 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95366 2025-01-19 19:14:58 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 50 any 0 860.7 -1 10 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95367 2025-01-19 19:15:12 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 1096. -1 11 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95368 2025-01-19 19:15:20 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 all 0 410.1 -1 11 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95369 2025-01-19 19:15:36 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 511.3 -1 11 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95370 2025-01-19 19:15:42 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 365.0 -1 11 45 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95371 2025-01-19 19:18:09 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 373.9 -1 6 45 0 0 68 0 0 0 ETank
95372 2025-01-19 19:18:29 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc NinjaBear 5 any 0 397.5 -1 12 95 0 0 46 0 0 0 ETank
95373 2025-01-19 19:18:34 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 299.6 -1 6 39 0 0 68 0 0 0 ETank
95374 2025-01-19 19:19:15 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc master 5 any 0 569.7 -1 13 108 0 0 44 0 0 0 ETank
95375 2025-01-19 19:19:20 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc master 5 any 0 450.9 -1 13 108 0 0 44 0 0 0 ETank
95376 2025-01-19 19:19:30 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc master 5 any 0 1463. 2 13 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95377 2025-01-19 19:19:36 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc master 5 any 0 1236. 2 13 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95378 2025-01-19 19:19:43 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 1450. 51 9 45 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95379 2025-01-19 20:04:03 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 756.4 51 9 45 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95380 2025-01-19 20:22:33 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4086773442520721876_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 2071. 10 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95381 2025-01-19 20:54:27 Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 any 0 803.8 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95382 2025-01-19 20:54:43 Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 any 0 476.3 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95383 2025-01-19 21:04:24 Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 any 0 651.0 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95384 2025-01-19 21:05:24 Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc expert 1 any 0 361.2 -1 4 91 0 0 88 0 0 0 Gravity,Ice,Plasma,Spazer,Super
95385 2025-01-19 21:05:40 Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc expert 1 any 0 271.6 -1 4 91 0 0 88 0 0 0 Gravity,Ice,Plasma,Spazer,Super
95386 2025-01-19 21:27:59 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7443786870163022013_regular_slowest.sfc Jormungandr83 5 any 0 10028 12 11 76 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95387 2025-01-19 21:30:28 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4622244549641634827_newbie_speedrun.sfc newbie 5 any 0 820.6 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95388 2025-01-19 21:30:37 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4622244549641634827_newbie_speedrun.sfc newbie 5 any 0 843.2 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95389 2025-01-19 21:52:05 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4622244549641634827_newbie_speedrun.sfc newbie 5 any 0 1107. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95390 2025-01-19 22:00:39 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.sfc Nitos 5 any 0 801.1 51 9 45 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95391 2025-01-19 22:29:01 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX5714973630576151639_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 4200. 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95392 2025-01-19 22:54:29 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7750815777183648541_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1401. 8 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95393 2025-01-19 22:56:25 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7750815777183648541_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1465. 8 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95394 2025-01-19 22:56:30 VARIA_Randomizer_SX8874825060503749845_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 444.9 10 12 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95395 2025-01-19 22:57:36 VARIA_Randomizer_SX6809874354942736757_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 669.8 5 6 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95396 2025-01-19 22:58:50 VARIA_MX4434693072878921896_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1526. 10 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95397 2025-01-19 22:59:25 VARIA_MX4101942215607995139_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1637. 5 4 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95398 2025-01-19 23:58:34 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3454695590365993323_newbie_basic.sfc newbie 100 any 0 1252. 15 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95399 2025-01-20 00:05:51 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX7531147013533546471_Custom_rive_slowest.sfc Custom_rive 5 any 0 613.1 100 22 71 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95400 2025-01-20 02:07:53 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2067931276557989266_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 any 0 828.2 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95401 2025-01-20 03:20:36 metroidrandomizer4.sfc regular 5 any 0 713.2 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95402 2025-01-20 03:30:55 Custom_Jack.sfc regular 5 any 0 2298. 50 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95403 2025-01-20 05:21:43 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1351448344280200273_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1718. 82 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95404 2025-01-20 05:42:59 Custom_Elliot (22).sfc regular 5 any 0 784.5 60 16 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95405 2025-01-20 05:56:41 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX8208432540201935292_expert.sfc expert 5 any 0 759.9 11 6 91 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95406 2025-01-20 10:30:53 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5875142733421214230_casual_slow.sfc casual 5 any 0 1982. 10 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95407 2025-01-20 10:56:37 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5362211596653648620_veteran_slow.sfc veteran 5 any 0 931.8 50 11 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95408 2025-01-20 10:56:46 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5362211596653648620_veteran_slow.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1494. 50 11 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95409 2025-01-20 12:58:54 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7794076563521375418_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 1846. 50 12 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95410 2025-01-20 14:09:15 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5046953760686045619_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 1416. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95411 2025-01-20 15:05:43 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6318125982612453647_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1595. 10 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95412 2025-01-20 15:13:14 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX8573450719291055873_Denos_medium.sfc Denos 5 all 0 2440. 50 3 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95413 2025-01-20 15:51:47 Custom_VARIA_FX8779913224832578120_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 8558. 10 7 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95414 2025-01-20 15:52:42 Custom_VARIA_FX8779913224832578120_regular_slow.sfc regular 25 any 0 5392. 10 7 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95415 2025-01-20 15:58:50 Custom_VARIA_FX8779913224832578120_regular_slow.sfc regular 25 any 0 6498. 10 7 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95416 2025-01-20 17:28:20 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8812386378607759082_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 1366. 51 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95417 2025-01-20 17:31:46 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8812386378607759082_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 680.9 51 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95418 2025-01-20 17:31:51 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8812386378607759082_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 722.2 51 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95419 2025-01-20 18:39:22 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5046953760686045619_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 4063. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95420 2025-01-20 18:42:49 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5046953760686045619_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 1739. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95421 2025-01-20 19:19:17 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5046953760686045619_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 1938. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95422 2025-01-20 21:09:06 metroidrandomizer4.sfc regular 5 any 0 819.3 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95423 2025-01-20 21:10:52 metroidrandomizer4.sfc regular 5 any 0 981.8 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95424 2025-01-20 21:25:30 Custom_VARIA_Mirrortroid_ADFX2203311755163969829_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 2549. 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95425 2025-01-20 21:41:24 Custom_VARIA_Mirrortroid_ADFX2203311755163969829_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 1875. 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95426 2025-01-20 21:45:09 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1278745302909765441_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 673.6 11 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95427 2025-01-20 23:41:08 VARIA_Randomizer_FX41137820443709020_veteran.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1483. 6 12 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95428 2025-01-21 00:28:52 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5566455762995167011_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 645.4 12 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95429 2025-01-21 00:30:10 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7313341806944119292_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 774.1 49 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95430 2025-01-21 00:31:28 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX3776318823160532587_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 805.2 78 8 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95431 2025-01-21 00:32:44 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5491872403385303846_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 860.4 55 11 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95432 2025-01-21 00:34:08 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2818879060766736450_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 496.4 65 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95433 2025-01-21 00:34:55 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2061604749737816974_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 630.0 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95434 2025-01-21 00:35:49 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4358929660628854229_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 2188. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95435 2025-01-21 04:37:21 Custom_Elliot (23).sfc regular 5 any 0 498.5 -1 5 39 0 0 71 0 0 0 None
95436 2025-01-21 04:37:48 Custom_Jack.sfc regular 5 any 0 772.6 -1 6 39 0 0 69 0 0 0 None
95437 2025-01-21 04:37:59 Custom_Jack.sfc veteran 5 any 0 2035. 12 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95438 2025-01-21 04:38:04 Custom_Elliot (23).sfc veteran 5 any 0 3777. 14 16 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95439 2025-01-21 05:11:35 map-rando-HXCbRtMfM.sfc regular 5 any 0 367.5 -1 0 39 0 0 108 0 0 0 Bomb,Charge,ETank,Grapple,Gravity,HiJump,Ice,Missile,Morph,Plasma,PowerBomb,Reserve,ScrewAttack,SpaceJump,Spazer,SpeedBooster,SpringBall,Super,Varia,Wave,XRayScope
95440 2025-01-21 09:26:29 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6534477176540834026_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 any 0 2092. 51 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95441 2025-01-21 11:52:40 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX1874635676476199353_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 any 0 3401. 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95442 2025-01-21 12:02:32 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5629836393922570532_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 any 0 4875. 50 8 39 1 0 0 0 2 5 None
95443 2025-01-21 12:02:38 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5629836393922570532_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 any 0 1385. 50 8 39 1 0 0 0 2 5 None
95444 2025-01-21 12:13:08 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3268680339622538624_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1633. 20 8 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95445 2025-01-21 14:00:25 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5413788381289284957_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 3325. 6 11 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95446 2025-01-21 14:14:46 NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE.sfc master 5 any 0 759.3 60 19 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95447 2025-01-21 14:37:16 NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE.sfc master 5 any 0 1766. 60 19 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95448 2025-01-21 14:45:28 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX2497977151180422938_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 any 0 4056. 50 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95449 2025-01-21 14:51:12 031map-rando-FyVVpcwZP.sfc regular 5 any 0 513.9 -1 0 39 0 0 108 0 0 0 None
95450 2025-01-21 15:38:41 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6494250144023866221_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1733. 10 6 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95451 2025-01-21 16:06:40 VARIA_Randomizer_FX6443254810203741889_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 2491. 94 11 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95452 2025-01-21 16:38:23 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6737481787911407851_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 any 0 4124. 10 14 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95453 2025-01-21 16:38:41 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6737481787911407851_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 any 0 2026. 10 14 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95454 2025-01-21 17:30:16 Item Randomizer HX8963409.sfc expert 5 any 0 704.1 55 24 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95455 2025-01-21 17:31:16 Item Randomizer HX8963409.sfc veteran 50 any 0 927.6 110 19 69 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95456 2025-01-21 17:33:46 Item Randomizer HX8963409.sfc regular 50 any 0 473.6 -1 8 39 0 0 84 0 0 0 None
95457 2025-01-21 17:34:00 Item Randomizer HX8963409.sfc expert 25 any 0 2267. 55 24 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95458 2025-01-21 18:03:45 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8381598181912045800_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 512.5 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95459 2025-01-21 18:03:52 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8381598181912045800_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 599.4 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95460 2025-01-21 18:36:10 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6033236056070719373_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 any 0 2568. 100 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95461 2025-01-21 18:36:22 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6033236056070719373_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 864.8 100 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95462 2025-01-21 18:56:35 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7408180501513785852_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 5666. 15 8 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95463 2025-01-21 19:06:30 NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE.sfc master 5 any 0 927.1 60 19 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95464 2025-01-21 19:06:36 anus shit.sfc master 5 any 0 1081. 26 20 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95465 2025-01-21 19:31:54 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX5330703180538548015_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 1548. 20 12 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95466 2025-01-21 19:40:35 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 833.9 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95467 2025-01-21 20:17:47 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX3442693205941262786_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 2136. 15 12 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95468 2025-01-21 21:41:05 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX509788741050428550_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 4654. 50 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95469 2025-01-21 23:07:04 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5878251897787046991_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 875.4 10 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95470 2025-01-22 00:15:52 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4358929660628854229_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 1426. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95471 2025-01-22 00:18:06 P4_Balsa_mi7jYDNHSEGirgp9wYizWQ.sfc regular 5 any 0 425.9 -1 0 39 0 0 9 0 0 0 None
95472 2025-01-22 00:41:28 211Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4986317936919095613_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 427.4 55 10 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95473 2025-01-22 01:14:09 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX8527437587089663890_master_slowest.sfc master 5 any 0 914.1 26 22 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95474 2025-01-22 01:36:40 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DMX5631345752602686657_casual_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 615.3 6 10 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95475 2025-01-22 04:34:18 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7571313804233565262_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 853.2 25 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95476 2025-01-22 06:20:41 VARIA_Randomizer_DFX9191139297766169198_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 769.1 60 12 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95477 2025-01-22 06:39:33 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX3607684788312348644_MySetup_VARIAble.sfc MySetup 5 any 0 4632. 37 12 90 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95478 2025-01-22 07:15:36 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX646731906704479036_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 1388. 50 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95479 2025-01-22 09:23:18 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX8861145544509322543_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 2146. 100 11 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95480 2025-01-22 15:03:00 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABFX4561004132521606174_regular_speedrun.sfc newbie 5 any 0 4207. -1 0 5 0 1 58 0 0 0 None
95481 2025-01-22 15:03:12 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABFX4561004132521606174_regular_speedrun.sfc newbie 5 any 0 1669. -1 0 5 0 1 58 0 0 0 None
95482 2025-01-22 15:26:15 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX8861145544509322543_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 1948. 100 11 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95483 2025-01-22 16:33:08 VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX228963364383054664_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 2461. 5 5 23 1 0 0 0 30 18 None
95484 2025-01-22 17:48:57 VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX833237014613845350_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 413.5 28 5 23 1 0 0 0 16 35 None
95485 2025-01-22 17:51:05 VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX228963364383054664_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 2881. 5 5 23 1 0 0 0 30 18 None
95486 2025-01-22 17:54:11 VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX833237014613845350_casual_speedrun.sfc casual 5 any 0 418.9 28 5 23 1 0 0 0 16 35 None
95487 2025-01-22 18:09:35 VARIA_Randomizer_AFX8489483028154812231_preset_alpha_VARIAble.sfc preset_alpha 25 any 0 2233. 6 8 50 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95488 2025-01-22 18:15:26 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABFX4227741870914151454_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1414. 5 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95489 2025-01-22 18:17:25 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7770064526237934692_newbie_fast.sfc newbie 5 all 0 1052. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95490 2025-01-22 18:18:06 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7770064526237934692_newbie_fast.sfc newbie 5 all 0 6038. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95491 2025-01-22 18:18:12 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7770064526237934692_newbie_fast.sfc newbie 5 all 0 2063. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95492 2025-01-22 18:18:29 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX8861145544509322543_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 2371. 100 11 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95493 2025-01-22 18:22:48 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4688211224721768649_expert_slowest.sfc expert 5 all 0 2320. 10 13 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95494 2025-01-22 18:56:58 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX820283008756702964_expert_slowest.sfc expert 5 all 0 3306. 25 14 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95495 2025-01-22 20:43:39 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 601.1 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95496 2025-01-22 21:48:55 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5135392215361633078_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 695.2 25 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95497 2025-01-22 21:49:01 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1649. 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95498 2025-01-22 22:30:22 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX5786372633906618975_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 966.7 6 4 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95499 2025-01-22 22:30:43 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX5786372633906618975_regular_medium.sfc newbie 1 any 0 1088. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95500 2025-01-22 22:30:48 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX5786372633906618975_regular_medium.sfc newbie 1 any 0 774.6 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95501 2025-01-22 23:01:42 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DX6626919528881730324_veteran_speedrun.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1238. 10 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95502 2025-01-23 00:15:26 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DX6626919528881730324_veteran_speedrun.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1252. 10 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95503 2025-01-23 00:18:23 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DX6626919528881730324_veteran_speedrun.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1217. 10 15 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95504 2025-01-23 00:35:37 (Super Metroid Randomizer 1) seed VARIA_FX3402639444321545477_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 755.2 51 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95505 2025-01-23 00:35:46 (Super Metroid Randomizer 1) seed VARIA_FX3402639444321545477_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 601.7 51 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95506 2025-01-23 00:57:14 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 735.9 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95507 2025-01-23 00:57:27 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 373.5 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95508 2025-01-23 01:03:47 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 482.0 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95509 2025-01-23 01:40:56 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 501.2 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95510 2025-01-23 02:20:39 (Super Metroid Randomizer 2) seed VARIA_FX5901153660187682550_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 762.1 50 16 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95511 2025-01-23 02:29:29 (Super Metroid Randomizer 1) seed VARIA_FX3402639444321545477_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1089. 51 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95512 2025-01-23 03:04:25 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX5714973630576151639_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1044. 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95513 2025-01-23 03:04:39 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX2823782519825688600_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 3086. 5 6 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95514 2025-01-23 04:15:52 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1700880324579015842_biomedicalman_slow.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1716. 25 5 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95515 2025-01-23 08:33:55 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7602378095017434728_regular_slowest.sfc regular 50 all 0 956.4 65 18 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95516 2025-01-23 08:34:04 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7602378095017434728_regular_slowest.sfc master 50 all 0 1159. 31 21 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95517 2025-01-23 09:57:58 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6803860564587114023_expert_slowest.sfc expert 5 all 0 2539. 10 11 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95518 2025-01-23 11:22:22 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX1710978881982592676_veteran_slowest.sfc veteran 5 all 0 2460. 10 12 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95519 2025-01-23 11:25:15 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX627289159999855272_master_fastest.sfc master 50 all 0 541.8 10 7 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95520 2025-01-23 14:33:22 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1144016410336992054_master_slowest.sfc master 50 all 0 954.5 19 17 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95521 2025-01-23 15:47:56 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX2055897793001026133_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 all 0 3900. 5 6 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95522 2025-01-23 16:07:41 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX2055897793001026133_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 all 0 1201. 5 6 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95523 2025-01-23 16:22:29 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6372334135933500199_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 734.3 26 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95524 2025-01-23 17:24:45 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX2857805674393801797_expert.sfc expert 5 any 0 516.0 5 5 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95525 2025-01-23 18:00:58 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX3146213541773735460_master_medium.sfc master 5 any 0 1599. 10 21 108 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95526 2025-01-23 20:31:29 VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6465630563144892772_expert_VARIAble.sfc expert 5 any 0 1185. 6 14 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95527 2025-01-23 21:06:59 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc newbie 5 any 0 1249. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95528 2025-01-23 21:07:56 Super Metroid Random2.sfc newbie 5 any 0 1580. 15 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95529 2025-01-23 21:13:33 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 all 0 1059. 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95530 2025-01-23 21:14:18 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8430994800931707036_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 all 0 1038. 50 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95531 2025-01-23 21:20:38 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8430994800931707036_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1284. 50 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95532 2025-01-23 22:41:26 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 653.1 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95533 2025-01-23 23:27:55 VARIA_Randomizer_AFX1323777306767302134_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 1 381.9 None None None None None None None None None None
95534 2025-01-23 23:28:14 VARIA_Randomizer_AFX1323777306767302134_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 1 399.3 None None None None None None None None None None
95535 2025-01-23 23:34:20 VARIA_Randomizer_X196285469691813230_master_speedrun.sfc master 5 any 1 423.0 None None None None None None None None None None
95536 2025-01-23 23:53:31 VARIA_Randomizer_X196285469691813230_master_speedrun.sfc master 5 any 1 237.9 None None None None None None None None None None
95537 2025-01-23 23:56:38 VARIA_Randomizer_X196285469691813230_master_speedrun.sfc master 5 any 1 335.0 None None None None None None None None None None
95538 2025-01-24 00:01:57 (Super Metroid Randomizer 1) seed VARIA_FX3402639444321545477_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 739.5 51 15 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95539 2025-01-24 00:26:54 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6370090086137234749_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 all 0 639.5 70 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95540 2025-01-24 01:00:17 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7428389368767086747_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 596.4 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95541 2025-01-24 01:40:50 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1567052604714549265_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 2019. 11 9 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95542 2025-01-24 01:47:45 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1567052604714549265_regular_VARIAble.sfc regular 5 any 0 743.7 11 9 39 1 0 0 0 2 0 None
95543 2025-01-24 03:40:14 (Super Metroid Randomizer 3) seed VARIA_FX2368009170705475386_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 1446. 8 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95544 2025-01-24 04:13:50 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7078898812296163255_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 all 0 406.7 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95545 2025-01-24 08:23:28 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX106367690947840775_regular_slowest.sfc regular 5 all 0 1956. 50 6 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95546 2025-01-24 09:49:20 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX509788741050428550_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1335. 50 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95547 2025-01-24 09:58:30 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX509788741050428550_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1275. 50 10 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95548 2025-01-24 10:31:52 VARIA_FX464072921807443241_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 845.7 50 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95549 2025-01-24 10:32:02 VARIA_FX464072921807443241_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 472.1 50 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95550 2025-01-24 10:32:39 VARIA_FX464072921807443241_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 521.9 50 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95551 2025-01-24 12:58:15 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX116158820168222735_expert_medium.sfc expert 5 any 0 2308. 50 12 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95552 2025-01-24 14:05:25 DREAD Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3218462840797176930_BabysFirstSeed_speedrun.sfc BabysFirstSeed 5 any 0 1865. 84 9 36 1 0 0 0 0 1 None
95553 2025-01-24 15:25:38 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX7770064526237934692_newbie_fast.sfc newbie 5 all 0 2238. 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95554 2025-01-24 16:00:02 VARIA_Randomizer_AFX9194181635978229550_expert_VARIAble.sfc expert 5 any 0 2197. 6 21 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95555 2025-01-24 16:20:47 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 any 0 726.4 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95556 2025-01-24 16:21:17 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 all 0 1153. 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95557 2025-01-24 17:24:52 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8285846920851456651_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 697.3 60 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95558 2025-01-24 18:15:34 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 996.5 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95559 2025-01-24 18:25:01 metaphor.sfc casual 5 any 0 742.1 10 9 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95560 2025-01-24 18:25:06 metaphor.sfc casual 1 any 0 510.8 10 9 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95561 2025-01-24 20:44:04 metaphor.sfc casual 1 any 0 670.7 10 9 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95562 2025-01-24 21:18:35 VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX3935358668369709981_regular_speedrun.sfc regular 5 any 0 1902. 50 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95563 2025-01-24 21:29:40 metaphor.sfc casual 1 any 0 1025. 10 9 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95564 2025-01-24 22:03:28 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1123219634175172253_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1099. 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95565 2025-01-24 22:16:27 VARIA_Randomizer_FX4308368004659261852_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1172. 15 11 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95566 2025-01-24 23:46:51 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1123219634175172253_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 624.8 50 13 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95567 2025-01-25 01:11:37 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX2823782519825688600_regular_slow.sfc regular 5 any 0 1295. 5 6 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95568 2025-01-25 02:07:21 Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).sfc regular 5 any 0 569.0 10 9 39 1 0 0 0 1 0 None
95569 2025-01-25 03:10:42 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7903652583633845727_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 636.4 50 14 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95570 2025-01-25 03:16:48 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1676485790184007062_biomedicalman_slow.sfc biomedicalman 50 all 0 1519. 60 11 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95571 2025-01-25 05:18:37 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2250533199146992407_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 580.9 20 8 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95572 2025-01-25 06:12:10 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6422859921820443948_veteran_VARIAble.sfc veteran 50 any 0 2627. 31 7 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95573 2025-01-25 09:14:04 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX3535873977730195910_veteran_medium.sfc veteran 5 any 0 1714. 5 6 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95574 2025-01-25 09:52:19 VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6422859921820443948_veteran_VARIAble.sfc veteran 50 any 0 1909. 31 7 69 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95575 2025-01-25 10:14:26 _Fast and Furious.sfc veteran 100 any 1 176.4 None None None None None None None None None None
95576 2025-01-25 11:38:10 VARIA_FX4951284521866692991_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 1218. 11 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95577 2025-01-25 13:25:37 DREAD Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3218462840797176930_BabysFirstSeed_speedrun.sfc BabysFirstSeed 5 any 0 1979. 84 9 36 1 0 0 0 0 1 None
95578 2025-01-25 14:45:31 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX8240785705680197194_regular_fast.sfc regular 5 any 0 1253. 5 3 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95579 2025-01-25 14:45:38 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7682946857036629378_regular_fast.sfc regular 5 any 0 1123. 47 6 39 1 0 0 0 3 2 None
95580 2025-01-25 14:51:30 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6474588105601737686_regular_fast.sfc regular 5 any 0 783.8 10 11 39 1 0 0 0 1 2 None
95581 2025-01-25 14:55:20 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX4858110550612834331_regular_fast.sfc regular 5 any 0 1581. 50 7 39 1 0 0 0 1 2 None
95582 2025-01-25 14:56:05 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4358929660628854229_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 1624. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95583 2025-01-25 18:04:23 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4901240333322830837_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 830.7 50 12 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95584 2025-01-25 18:33:04 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7078898812296163255_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 all 0 941.9 15 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95585 2025-01-25 18:33:15 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4933490102939431403_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 all 0 2920. 15 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95586 2025-01-25 19:44:34 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_X2254629483672589383_master.sfc master 5 any 0 661.6 10 18 108 1 0 0 0 8 0 None
95587 2025-01-25 19:57:36 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4933490102939431403_newbie_medium.sfc newbie 5 all 0 1630. 15 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95588 2025-01-25 20:31:46 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX5934226971838598044_regular_medium.sfc regular 1 any 0 793.5 10 10 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95589 2025-01-25 22:40:06 P2_Daybreaker_q2UDVoEHRMWasVTZyDBtyw.sfc regular 5 any 0 311.6 -1 1 39 0 0 9 0 0 0 None
95590 2025-01-25 22:41:29 P1_Daybreaker_tOEIrPn9StOpGQlAkSKegg.sfc regular 5 any 0 219.7 -1 1 39 0 0 9 0 0 0 None
95591 2025-01-26 00:45:39 SM_newbie_randomizer.sfc regular 5 any 0 1934. 5 5 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95592 2025-01-26 03:31:54 poop.sfc expert 50 any 0 1735. 100 11 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95593 2025-01-26 04:32:19 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX778249843341398176_SnoWolfTheDragon_medium.sfc SnoWolfTheDragon 5 any 0 613.3 9 8 52 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95594 2025-01-26 05:53:44 VR4 A1.sfc regular 5 any 0 1263. 60 12 39 1 0 0 0 2 5 None
95595 2025-01-26 06:03:34 (Super Metroid Randomizer 4) seed VARIA_Randomizer_FX6063253730599103200_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 784.2 33 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95596 2025-01-26 06:03:38 (Super Metroid Randomizer 4) seed VARIA_Randomizer_FX6063253730599103200_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 620.1 33 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95597 2025-01-26 06:05:28 (Super Metroid Randomizer 4) seed VARIA_Randomizer_FX6063253730599103200_casual_medium.sfc casual 5 any 0 775.4 33 5 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95598 2025-01-26 06:43:45 VR5.sfc regular 5 any 0 455.4 25 12 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
95599 2025-01-26 13:34:41 VARIA_Randomizer_FX7838929988360655502_regular_medium.sfc regular 5 any 0 553.7 50 11 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 None
id actionTime romFileName preset difficultyTarget pickupStrategy returnCode duration difficulty knowsUsed knowsKnown itemsOk remainTry remainMajors remainMinors skippedMajors unavailMajors forbiddenItems
Export to CSV

Interactive Solver data

initTime type preset romFileName
2025-01-19 00:17:35 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_DFX12904477508818733_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 00:24:19 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_DFX3876099580934903891_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 02:31:27 tracker regular AP_44102921452192675986_P2_RuBoo_SM.json
2025-01-19 04:42:02 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1322669198449618579_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-19 04:45:53 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX5965753181052629432_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-19 05:15:31 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6345065379351770494_casual.json
2025-01-19 08:33:54 plando regular VARIA_FX3019291149504518052_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:24:58 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:28:05 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:28:22 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:37:01 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:40:16 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 10:41:18 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7937225100495944432_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-19 11:22:48 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8408954559034690707_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 12:20:42 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6325378509682234689_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 12:23:53 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX1142620356143992699_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 13:41:56 tracker regular Weekly Race 1.json
2025-01-19 13:43:26 tracker regular Weekly Race 1.json
2025-01-19 13:43:40 tracker casual_roll Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6791506729057568339_casual_roll_medium.json
2025-01-19 13:47:45 tracker master Weekly Race 1.json
2025-01-19 13:50:45 tracker newbie Weekly Race 1.json
2025-01-19 13:56:52 tracker newbie Weekly Race 1.json
2025-01-19 14:04:52 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX672103522585252145_casual_fastest.json
2025-01-19 14:43:42 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6325378509682234689_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 14:58:14 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6318125982612453647_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-19 15:06:53 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX2291173890391442393_casual_fastest.json
2025-01-19 15:22:45 tracker casual_roll Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6791506729057568339_casual_roll_medium.json
2025-01-19 15:33:21 plando casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5666845324899049624_casual_medium.json
2025-01-19 15:57:29 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABSX7005332001467434515_veteran_speedrun.json
2025-01-19 17:28:42 tracker c445 VARIA_Randomizer_FX2296682351830912818_c445_slow.json
2025-01-19 18:54:04 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBZX6377087740113030653_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-19 18:56:07 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBZX6377087740113030653_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-19 18:58:40 tracker casual seedless
2025-01-19 18:58:53 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX3562961528150419008_casual.json
2025-01-19 19:14:30 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6258440897204470622_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 19:29:28 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 19:33:33 tracker markmasonx VARIA_Randomizer_MX5500416443182797451_markmasonx_VARIAble.json
2025-01-19 19:45:34 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7644988269619190533_casual.json
2025-01-19 20:15:36 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8503678066985602095_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 20:16:30 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8503678066985602095_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 20:16:33 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8503678066985602095_regular_medium.json
2025-01-19 20:29:05 tracker Nitos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7534574085926558805_Nitos_medium.json
2025-01-19 21:01:46 tracker regular Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-19 21:02:28 tracker regular Custom_Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-19 23:17:18 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_DFX3876099580934903891_regular_medium.json
2025-01-20 00:11:40 plando newbie Custom_VARIA_Mirrortroid_DBFX4116342814450160286_newbie.json
2025-01-20 08:06:18 tracker veteran VARIA_Randomizer_FX6819133623819016670_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-20 08:31:58 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5728918060197761732_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-20 08:34:25 tracker veteran VARIA_Randomizer_FX6819133623819016670_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-20 08:42:12 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX1838595150305773877_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-20 11:31:14 tracker veteran VARIA_Randomizer_BFX2328289672804309421_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-20 12:26:50 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX5802709323990458583_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-20 14:32:07 tracker veteran seedless
2025-01-20 15:14:04 tracker Denos Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX8573450719291055873_Denos_medium.json
2025-01-20 20:51:15 tracker veteran seedless
2025-01-20 21:28:19 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX5984827253465297125_casual.json
2025-01-21 01:06:35 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-21 02:36:42 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1835488554568309794_regular_VARIAble.json
2025-01-21 05:49:18 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX208362973570341090_casual_medium.json
2025-01-21 10:13:34 plando master Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX5632143484926847245_master_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:20:59 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX947153008483177816_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:27:09 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX448531579539710235_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:28:23 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX3248926324356202115_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:28:58 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX3248926324356202115_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:33:41 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX3248926324356202115_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 10:44:53 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7443786870163022013_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 11:00:56 tracker casual 54th Randomizer.json
2025-01-21 11:11:44 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7443786870163022013_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 11:26:46 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX3932205441377702428_casual.json
2025-01-21 12:50:19 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX3248926324356202115_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-21 14:18:37 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-21 14:30:34 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX5802709323990458583_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-21 14:59:59 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX488373028250673695_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-21 18:01:06 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8381598181912045800_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 18:03:04 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8381598181912045800_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 18:33:40 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8381598181912045800_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 18:51:03 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 19:06:41 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-21 21:07:06 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DBFX156823639060349352_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 23:04:09 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX5878251897787046991_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 23:05:10 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX5878251897787046991_regular_medium.json
2025-01-21 23:10:05 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-21 23:10:35 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-21 23:11:05 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-22 00:16:05 tracker regular P4_Balsa_mi7jYDNHSEGirgp9wYizWQ.json
2025-01-22 00:16:45 tracker regular P4_Balsa_mi7jYDNHSEGirgp9wYizWQ.json
2025-01-22 00:17:54 tracker regular P4_Balsa_mi7jYDNHSEGirgp9wYizWQ.json
2025-01-22 00:49:48 plando master Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX8527437587089663890_master_slowest.json
2025-01-22 01:08:54 tracker SMRAT2021 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AZX8798289510209812302_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-22 02:40:03 tracker regular P2_Igneel_vdMQZI0zSAG6MovqYGfC8Q.json
2025-01-22 03:19:37 tracker regular P3_NekoKyun_FbjpL7etQqaZ1DgxoxsNeg.json
2025-01-22 03:19:48 tracker regular P3_NekoKyun_FbjpL7etQqaZ1DgxoxsNeg.json
2025-01-22 04:31:03 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-22 04:40:55 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-22 04:41:12 tracker veteran P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-22 04:41:26 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-22 04:59:18 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-22 05:12:38 tracker regular P2_Zander_FuMw8O4HQyyrLUE7UbC1WA.json
2025-01-22 05:12:49 tracker regular P2_Zander_FuMw8O4HQyyrLUE7UbC1WA.json
2025-01-22 05:13:59 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-22 06:01:08 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-22 06:02:05 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1899091824586079019_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-22 06:23:16 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX540026804358185410_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-22 11:18:28 plando regular VARIA_FX2003664019333936926_regular_fast.json
2025-01-22 14:46:49 plando regular Süß.json
2025-01-22 15:48:20 tracker casual seedless
2025-01-22 15:49:26 plando newbie VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX166377456877572767_newbie_speedrun.json
2025-01-22 15:49:53 plando newbie VARIA_Mirrortroid_FX166377456877572767_newbie_speedrun.json
2025-01-22 15:58:56 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-22 17:04:02 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7082632978047931695_regular_medium.json
2025-01-22 17:32:38 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6340981128617622167_regular_basic.json
2025-01-22 18:21:07 plando casual VARIA_Randomizer_ABFX3329155825485538829_casual_medium.json
2025-01-22 19:00:23 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6340981128617622167_regular_basic.json
2025-01-22 19:11:01 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8518053262176418889_regular_medium.json
2025-01-22 20:03:58 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX5777695006091316803_casual.json
2025-01-22 20:07:23 plando veteran VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6873230485530476232_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-22 20:09:12 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7443786870163022013_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-22 20:14:46 plando newbie VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6950046600320826585_newbie_fastest.json
2025-01-22 20:15:25 plando newbie VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX6950046600320826585_newbie_fastest.json
2025-01-22 20:16:59 plando veteran VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6873230485530476232_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-22 20:19:26 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX7055444740815469218_casual.json
2025-01-22 20:20:50 tracker Season_Races VARIA_Randomizer_MX2072624693206025732_Season_Races.json
2025-01-22 21:12:01 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7031286966858555941_regular_medium.json
2025-01-22 21:12:15 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7031286966858555941_regular_medium.json
2025-01-22 21:22:55 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX3078280678580354220_casual_medium.json
2025-01-22 23:11:29 tracker veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DX6626919528881730324_veteran_speedrun.json
2025-01-22 23:11:53 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-22 23:52:37 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-23 01:24:53 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX2936874628382160086_regular_VARIAble.json
2025-01-23 02:20:33 tracker LNHellRun Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABFX6519721037973334325_LNHellRun_slowest.json
2025-01-23 05:01:16 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7602378095017434728_regular_slowest.json
2025-01-23 07:31:23 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-23 11:43:21 tracker casual seedless
2025-01-23 11:43:39 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6834995587147285709_casual.json
2025-01-23 12:32:50 tracker expert Super Metroid HX8088049.json
2025-01-23 12:38:42 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX4468376865252844712_casual_fast.json
2025-01-23 17:18:27 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX1356325494166445236_regular_medium.json
2025-01-23 17:56:03 tracker casual Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-23 19:01:49 plando regular random.json
2025-01-23 19:04:36 plando regular random.json
2025-01-23 19:06:25 plando regular random.json
2025-01-23 19:09:12 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-23 19:11:08 plando regular random.json
2025-01-23 19:13:15 plando regular random.json
2025-01-23 20:27:18 tracker expert VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6465630563144892772_expert_VARIAble.json
2025-01-23 20:29:42 plando newbie Super Metroid Random2.json
2025-01-23 21:06:15 plando newbie Super Metroid Random2.json
2025-01-23 23:08:27 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX7478600724078924561_regular_medium.json
2025-01-23 23:52:14 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX6370090086137234749_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-23 23:53:33 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX8781175814230344367_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-24 00:39:20 tracker newbie P157_Meritous_fMgCs-GiTR-xM9NKS43D8A.json
2025-01-24 00:58:20 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-24 00:59:05 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-24 04:14:04 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX7078898812296163255_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-24 05:34:22 plando regular VARIA_FX7289502695690134733_regular_medium.json
2025-01-24 05:34:30 plando regular VARIA_FX7289502695690134733_regular_medium.json
2025-01-24 05:34:39 plando regular VARIA_FX7289502695690134733_regular_medium.json
2025-01-24 05:35:02 plando casual VARIA_FX3246937042116302047_regular_medium.json
2025-01-24 16:22:18 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-24 16:22:25 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-24 19:41:06 tracker SMRAT2021 Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX1010310721855704102_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-24 19:44:53 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-24 21:16:24 tracker newbie P2_Mr.Cooltwo_TRzm3RiyRaKz33AHV89ymA.json
2025-01-24 21:18:17 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-24 21:38:16 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-25 00:47:38 plando regular The Big Planet Of The Fuuuuuuuun (Süßigkeiten Productions).json
2025-01-25 02:30:21 tracker newbie P1_BlueDazer_qaDbN8THTqS3YxGvGmFBrg.json
2025-01-25 02:43:31 tracker regular VARIA_Randomizer_AFX1624525156401749232_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 02:49:16 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-25 03:34:03 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX8829627783502386831_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 05:09:11 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Mirrortroid_DFX5274997109549998780_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 05:17:38 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2250533199146992407_casual_medium.json
2025-01-25 05:18:09 tracker casual Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX2250533199146992407_casual_medium.json
2025-01-25 05:47:51 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_FX8226957151137464088_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 06:08:59 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4933490102939431403_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 06:09:38 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX1472369932604839301_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 06:12:29 tracker veteran VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX6422859921820443948_veteran_VARIAble.json
2025-01-25 08:02:09 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4933490102939431403_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 09:54:20 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX4384519610044464442_regular_fast.json
2025-01-25 10:13:50 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADBFX9047056158539005813_regular_fast.json
2025-01-25 10:46:57 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 12:27:08 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7259787435215752076_regular_fast.json
2025-01-25 16:14:34 plando regular VARIA_Randomizer_MX3298708895891923965_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 17:01:10 plando regular noitems 1.json
2025-01-25 17:32:05 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX7259787435215752076_regular_fast.json
2025-01-25 17:35:51 plando expert VARIA_Randomizer_MX8695973565067148657_expert_medium.json
2025-01-25 18:08:10 tracker regular SM-1113.json
2025-01-25 18:19:51 tracker regular SUPER MERTROID RANDOMIZER DREAD EDITION.json
2025-01-25 18:20:10 tracker regular SUPER MERTROID RANDOMIZER DREAD EDITION.json
2025-01-25 18:20:45 tracker regular SUPER MERTROID RANDOMIZER DREAD EDITION.json
2025-01-25 18:32:36 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Mirrortroid_DFX5274997109549998780_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 18:32:58 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ADFX4933490102939431403_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 18:44:56 plando master VARIA_Randomizer_MX1828570681179545299_master_medium.json
2025-01-25 18:47:57 plando master VARIA_Randomizer_MX1828570681179545299_master_medium.json
2025-01-25 19:42:54 tracker master Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_X2254629483672589383_master.json
2025-01-25 20:51:45 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 20:53:58 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 20:56:19 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 20:57:54 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 20:59:00 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 20:59:04 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 21:05:46 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_FX8150675906827863590_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 21:05:53 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_FX8150675906827863590_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 21:33:45 tracker expert seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:00 tracker expert seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:03 tracker expert seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:20 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:23 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:29 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-25 21:34:55 tracker veteran seedless
2025-01-25 21:36:19 tracker veteran seedless
2025-01-25 21:55:19 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_DFX1472369932604839301_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 21:58:11 tracker regular P2_EntroLovesTummy_urxC2YPRTLyxn4VJIOYUYw.json
2025-01-25 22:26:34 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-25 22:46:33 tracker regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_FX6697097758947724016_regular_medium.json
2025-01-25 22:59:02 plando master noitems 2.json
2025-01-25 23:27:42 tracker newbie Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_BFX8756086440014950116_newbie_medium.json
2025-01-25 23:41:46 tracker regular Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja).json
2025-01-25 23:45:13 plando master noitems 1.json
2025-01-26 00:10:29 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-26 00:11:33 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-26 00:13:33 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-26 00:14:09 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-26 00:33:47 plando veteran Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_ABZX5473233183150777211_veteran_medium.json
2025-01-26 03:40:30 tracker newbie AP_00933917198447916124_P2_Meivery.json
2025-01-26 03:41:14 tracker newbie AP_00933917198447916124_P2_Meivery.json
2025-01-26 03:45:34 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-26 03:49:21 tracker newbie seedless
2025-01-26 03:57:24 tracker regular P9_Bialga (SM)_oMHiwVh7QcedNqSCfGqy-w.json
2025-01-26 11:10:19 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3903168122597594543_regular_medium.json
2025-01-26 11:10:56 plando regular Custom_VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3903168122597594543_regular_medium.json
2025-01-26 11:58:54 plando newbie VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3490713257200330217_regular_medium.json
2025-01-26 11:59:49 plando newbie VARIA_Randomizer_AFX3490713257200330217_regular_medium.json
2025-01-26 12:58:11 tracker regular seedless
2025-01-26 13:45:18 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_AZX6653977195959695768_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 13:48:07 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1159713580584232997_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 13:52:01 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX3741985878526466324_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 13:56:26 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX1078820264331026057_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 14:00:36 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX3328575407395698416_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 14:03:59 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5407721969515297283_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 14:08:34 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5407721969515297283_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
2025-01-26 14:09:48 tracker SMRAT2021 VARIA_Randomizer_FX5279389771279835126_SMRAT2021_VARIAble.json
initTime type preset romFileName
Export to CSV

Plando Rando data

initTime returnCode duration errorMsg
2025-01-20 00:41:47 0 499.592
2025-01-20 00:44:06 0 1524.55
2025-01-21 10:14:52 0 630.503
2025-01-21 10:14:58 0 247.096
2025-01-21 10:15:08 0 1665.6
2025-01-21 10:15:39 0 516.807
2025-01-21 10:15:46 0 256.878
2025-01-21 10:15:55 0 352.441
2025-01-21 10:16:07 0 1166.68
2025-01-21 10:16:16 0 252.314
2025-01-21 10:16:22 0 394.603
2025-01-21 10:16:41 0 353.521
2025-01-21 10:21:28 0 341.554
2025-01-21 10:21:40 0 305.178
2025-01-21 10:22:27 0 678.526
2025-01-21 10:23:17 0 693.64
2025-01-21 10:23:59 0 441.837
2025-01-21 10:24:40 0 368.017
2025-01-21 10:25:16 0 478.838
2025-01-21 10:25:37 0 911.33
2025-01-22 18:23:06 0 1298.23
2025-01-22 20:23:12 0 419.954
2025-01-22 20:23:19 0 372.993
2025-01-22 20:23:25 0 281.948
2025-01-22 20:24:32 0 447.579
2025-01-22 20:26:22 0 470.303
2025-01-22 20:26:30 0 305.474
2025-01-22 20:28:10 0 718.458
2025-01-22 20:28:55 0 245.014
2025-01-22 20:37:40 0 371.523
2025-01-22 20:42:33 0 408.847
2025-01-22 20:42:42 0 556.353
2025-01-22 20:43:56 0 976.994
2025-01-22 20:45:59 0 360.319
2025-01-22 20:51:24 0 380.959
2025-01-23 21:05:53 0 708.44
2025-01-23 21:06:33 0 468.351
2025-01-23 23:16:46 0 543.901
2025-01-23 23:17:04 0 483.217
2025-01-23 23:17:28 0 392.066
2025-01-26 11:10:40 0 385.787
2025-01-26 11:59:44 0 441.262
2025-01-26 12:00:20 0 256.438
initTime returnCode duration errorMsg
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Randomizer data

id actionTime guid returnCode duration seed preset startLocation startLocationMultiSelect areaRandomization areaLayout doorsColorsRando allowGreyDoors bossRandomization minimizer minimizerQty majorsSplit majorsSplitMultiSelect scavNumLocs scavRandomized progressionSpeed progressionSpeedMultiSelect maxDifficulty morphPlacement morphPlacementMultiSelect suitsRestriction energyQty energyQtyMultiSelect minorQty missileQty superQty powerBombQty progressionDifficulty progressionDifficultyMultiSelect escapeRando removeEscapeEnemies objective objectiveMultiSelect nbObjectivesRequired hiddenObjectives distributeObjectives tourian tourianMultiSelect funCombat funMovement funSuits hideItems strictMinors Infinite_Space_Jump No_Music animals areaLayoutCustom areaRandomizationMultiSelect better_reserves elevators_speed fast_doors gravityBehaviour gravityBehaviourMultiSelect hud itemsounds layoutCustom layoutPatches logic logicMultiSelect nbObjective nerfedCharge objectiveRandom raceMode randoPreset rando_speed random_music refill_before_save relaxed_round_robin_cf revealMap spinjumprestart variaTweaks variaTweaksCustom wantsCustomize errorMsg
393078 2025-01-19 00:14:35 permalink 0 01.89 12904477508818733 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard early off vanilla 100 4.6 1 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393079 2025-01-19 00:23:10 permalink 0 03.73 142931998647361431 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard early off vanilla 100 4.6 1 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393080 2025-01-19 00:23:35 permalink 0 01.72 3876099580934903891 regular random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard early off vanilla 100 4.6 1 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393081 2025-01-19 00:28:04 permalink 0 03.56 7990986069421491805 casual Landing Site full on off off off off 45 Full 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393082 2025-01-19 00:31:07 permalink 0 03.15 4311898110597217453 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1.2 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393083 2025-01-19 00:31:15 permalink 0 03.48 7489750938497944360 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1.2 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393084 2025-01-19 00:31:51 permalink 0 03.43 6978178764301746130 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four light on on on on off 45 Full 10 off medium hard early off vanilla 100 5 3 2 normal on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws off on off Vanilla off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla random off true off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 12 ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on
393085 2025-01-19 00:59:04 permalink 0 03.82 6944181178440259438 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393086 2025-01-19 00:59:45 permalink 0 02.06 265745335974990893 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393087 2025-01-19 01:26:44 permalink 0 02.29 2403831494561145852 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393088 2025-01-19 01:29:23 permalink 0 02.86 6437360323909323805 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393089 2025-01-19 01:31:48 permalink 0 02.73 8583160001070061911 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on random off random off 45 random Full,FullWithHUD,Major,Chozo,Scavenger 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun hardcore early early,late,normal off random sparse,medium,vanilla random random random random random easier,normal,harder random off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random off off random Vanilla,Fast,Disabled random random random random random off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean full,light off on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random off true off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on ''Suits restriction'' forced to off ''Morph Placement'' forced to early for custom start location
393090 2025-01-19 01:43:38 permalink 0 01.38 6801704998187188483 casual random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on random off random off 45 random Full,FullWithHUD,Major,Chozo,Scavenger 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun hardcore normal early,late,normal random random sparse,medium,vanilla random random random random random easier,normal,harder random off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random off off random Vanilla,Fast,Disabled random random random random random off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean full off on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random off true off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on ''Morph Placement'' forced to normal for Chozo
393091 2025-01-19 01:46:12 permalink 0 01.21 5587402229013283156 newbie Landing Site light on off off on off 45 Chozo 10 off fastest easy early off vanilla 100 3 3 1 easier on off kill all G4 off off off Disabled off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Vanilla on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off free on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Enemies enabled during escape sequence Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ] Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
393092 2025-01-19 01:52:01 permalink 0 04.80 269029710165895184 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393093 2025-01-19 01:59:16 permalink 0 02.75 1728333641782147866 expert random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off on off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393094 2025-01-19 02:05:41 permalink 0 01.13 1004844085602653989 newbie Landing Site light on off off off off 45 Chozo 10 off fastest easy early off vanilla 100 3 3 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Vanilla on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off free on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ] Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
393095 2025-01-19 02:06:07 permalink 0 01.84 6627276202735925052 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393096 2025-01-19 02:16:24 permalink 0 02.68 3273603381648219492 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393097 2025-01-19 02:30:25 permalink 0 01.69 5833162813285795347 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393098 2025-01-19 02:37:04 permalink 0 05.93 2600946038181575436 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard normal on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393099 2025-01-19 02:41:39 permalink 0 01.82 7883409691353080104 regular Landing Site off off on off on off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off on off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393100 2025-01-19 02:41:46 permalink 0 02.09 1146594706161458347 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393101 2025-01-19 02:41:47 permalink 0 01.75 4662581360349207888 regular Landing Site off off on off on off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off on off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393102 2025-01-19 03:09:54 permalink 0 09.79 5867271256994988604 regular Landing Site off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off doors_long off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393103 2025-01-19 03:10:36 permalink 0 01.62 3964698661540056594 Denos Business Center off off on off on off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off sparse 50 3 2 1 normal on off kill all G4 off off off Disabled off off off off off on off off on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence
393104 2025-01-19 03:30:47 permalink 0 02.46 1560770983040063138 regular Landing Site off off on on off off 45 Full 10 off medium medium early off vanilla 100 random random random normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on off on Balanced off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393105 2025-01-19 03:45:47 permalink 0 02.45 1069628882107824077 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393106 2025-01-19 04:18:20 permalink 0 02.18 767126330276682470 regular random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia random off off Fast off off off off on on off off on on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on true off default on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393107 2025-01-19 04:22:05 permalink 0 02.27 412004930596611487 regular random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia random on on Fast off off off off on on off off on on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla random on true off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393108 2025-01-19 04:24:36 permalink 0 02.90 1901006213642313310 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Major 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393109 2025-01-19 04:28:44 permalink 0 02.38 3260767489412248275 newbie random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun medium random early,late,normal random vanilla 100 1.5 2 1 normal on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws 4 off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 8 on true off off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
393110 2025-01-19 04:30:00 permalink 0 07.17 6168300730122999042 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393111 2025-01-19 04:31:15 permalink 0 03.89 7559424162584484664 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393112 2025-01-19 04:31:22 permalink 0 02.03 3060522346573502090 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393113 2025-01-19 04:35:35 permalink 0 01.95 6598570578120512967 regular Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Major 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2.2 1.2 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393114 2025-01-19 04:41:07 255 21.56 8793120766142188008 veteran random Green Brinstar Elevator,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on on on off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble harder late on vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map off on on Disabled off off off on off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off true off on off on off off on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Exceeded time limit of 20 seconds
393115 2025-01-19 04:41:32 permalink 0 03.56 1322669198449618579 veteran random Green Brinstar Elevator,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on on on off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble harder late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map off on on Disabled off off off on off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off true off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''Suits restriction'' forced to off ''Reveal Map'' forced to on
393116 2025-01-19 04:44:20 permalink 0 02.36 1168636740525483820 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393117 2025-01-19 04:45:18 permalink 0 04.01 5965753181052629432 veteran random Green Brinstar Elevator,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on on on off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble harder late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,explore 25% map,explore 50% map off on on Disabled off off off on off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off true off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''Suits restriction'' forced to off ''Reveal Map'' forced to on
393118 2025-01-19 05:12:22 permalink 0 03.29 6345065379351770494 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off random slow,medium,fast,VARIAble,speedrun hard early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off off off Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off VARIA_Weekly off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393119 2025-01-19 05:57:17 permalink 0 01.82 944519608679325437 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393120 2025-01-19 05:58:23 permalink 0 02.48 5587745165018240938 regular Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Major 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2.2 1.1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off on off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393121 2025-01-19 06:24:04 permalink 0 07.56 7369564165117194756 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off basic hard early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Progressive off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393122 2025-01-19 06:40:30 permalink 0 03.52 4583804882593396383 regular Landing Site full on on off off off 45 Full 10 off slowest medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393123 2025-01-19 06:52:10 permalink 0 04.02 7926388997844524059 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393124 2025-01-19 07:09:05 permalink 0 04.29 6129147067772753548 expert random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off random off 45 Full 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun hardcore early early,late,normal random vanilla 100 random random random random easier,normal,harder on off kill all G4 off off off Disabled off off off off random on off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''Morph Placement'' forced to early for custom start location
393125 2025-01-19 07:26:36 permalink 0 03.82 7938490312344080289 regular Landing Site full on on off off off 45 Full 10 off slow medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393126 2025-01-19 07:35:37 permalink 0 01.94 5728918060197761732 veteran Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393127 2025-01-19 07:41:36 permalink 0 01.84 3219519418705831415 regular Landing Site off off on on off off 45 Full 10 off medium medium early off vanilla 100 random random random normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on off on Balanced off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393128 2025-01-19 07:44:06 permalink 0 02.03 6042812299205406638 regular Landing Site off off on on off off 45 Full 10 off medium medium early off vanilla 100 random random random normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on off on Vanilla off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393129 2025-01-19 07:56:05 permalink 0 06.71 8263353375868571461 regular Landing Site full on on off off off 45 Full 10 off slow medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393130 2025-01-19 08:25:23 permalink 0 02.41 4700135761435435363 Random random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on random off random off 45 random Full,FullWithHUD,Major,Chozo 10 off random medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble hardcore random early,late,normal off random sparse,medium,vanilla random random random random random easier,normal,harder on off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random off off Disabled random random random random random off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off,full,light off on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random off true off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393131 2025-01-19 08:28:12 permalink 0 05.62 5874981831978358832 Random random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on random off random off 45 random Full,FullWithHUD,Major,Chozo 10 off random medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble hardcore random early,late,normal off random sparse,medium,vanilla random random random random random easier,normal,harder on off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random off off Disabled random random random random random off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off,full,light off on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random off true off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393132 2025-01-19 10:07:13 permalink 0 04.43 3717017785933543660 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393133 2025-01-19 10:11:46 permalink 0 01.93 2027819291712565531 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393134 2025-01-19 11:05:27 permalink 0 04.03 1862864593972089598 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393135 2025-01-19 11:12:46 permalink 0 01.95 4594933307656569868 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393136 2025-01-19 11:12:53 permalink 0 02.69 8408954559034690707 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393137 2025-01-19 11:16:52 permalink 0 01.59 6791506729057568339 casual_roll Landing Site off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393138 2025-01-19 11:39:27 permalink 0 03.23 1553384238404137658 biomedicalman random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble harder late off vanilla 100 3 1.4 1 normal on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random on on Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla random off true off where_is_morph off on off on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393139 2025-01-19 12:11:48 permalink 0 03.94 5133565060067981836 xzy3 random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 1 3 2 normal off off kill all G4,collect 100% items off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393140 2025-01-19 12:19:46 permalink 0 01.75 6325378509682234689 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393141 2025-01-19 12:21:32 permalink 0 02.66 2907715917414222208 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393142 2025-01-19 12:21:38 permalink 0 02.74 1142620356143992699 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393143 2025-01-19 12:21:43 permalink 0 01.89 5892264872282683837 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393144 2025-01-19 12:36:03 permalink 0 02.85 6890517117890461160 newbie Landing Site off off on off off off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393145 2025-01-19 12:39:29 permalink 0 03.44 4965973472723643744 veteran Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore early on medium 80 3 2 1 normal on off kill ridley off off off Disabled off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence
393146 2025-01-19 13:35:47 permalink 0 01.75 8523433210538197136 veteran Landing Site off off on off on off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off VARIAble easy early off vanilla 100 3 3 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off off off Balanced off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off off false
393147 2025-01-19 13:38:56 permalink 0 02.94 3581317442127831948 Season_Races Landing Site random on off off off off 45 Full 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,basic,VARIAble,speedrun hardcore random late,normal on vanilla 100 3 2 1 random normal,harder on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off,full off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393148 2025-01-19 13:42:44 permalink 0 05.05 4414244071229310178 Random random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on random off random off 45 random Full,FullWithHUD,Major,Chozo 10 off random medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble hardcore random early,late,normal off random sparse,medium,vanilla random random random random random easier,normal,harder on off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws random off off Disabled random random random random random off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off,full,light off on on random Vanilla,Balanced,Progressive off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random off true off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393149 2025-01-19 13:46:21 permalink 0 03.52 4360409160971049124 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Business Center,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four random on off off random off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal random off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,kill king cacatac,kill shaktool,kill the orange geemer,tickle the red fish,visit the animals,activate chozo robots kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,kill king cacatac,kill shaktool,kill the orange geemer,tickle the red fish,visit the animals,activate chozo robots off off off random Vanilla,Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean full,light on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla random on true off off off off on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 11
393150 2025-01-19 13:54:29 permalink 0 03.03 672103522585252145 casual Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off fastest medium late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393151 2025-01-19 14:07:11 permalink 0 04.24 6552332157754806715 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off slowest hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on on off on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393152 2025-01-19 14:16:33 permalink 0 04.24 7443786870163022013 regular Landing Site full on on on on off 45 Full 10 off slowest infinity early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on on kill all G4,kill all mini bosses,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws off off off Vanilla on off on off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on off Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off objectives_rampage off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393153 2025-01-19 14:17:02 255 25.79 7372047456439999415 master Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off slowest infinity early on sparse 7 3.5 3 2 harder off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla on on on off off off off on off off off Balanced off on off vanilla 4 off false off stupid_hard off off off off off off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Exceeded time limit of 20 seconds
393154 2025-01-19 14:17:38 permalink 0 04.82 4380525878257772471 master Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off slowest infinity early on sparse 7 3.5 3 2 harder off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla on on on off off off off on off off off Balanced off on off vanilla 4 off false off stupid_hard off off off off off off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393155 2025-01-19 14:23:08 permalink 0 02.09 8712227975764740633 regular Landing Site off off on off on off 45 Full 10 off medium harder early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla on off off off off off off off on on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393156 2025-01-19 14:40:02 permalink 0 05.62 1700880324579015842 biomedicalman random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off slow harder early off vanilla 100 3 1.5 1 harder on on kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws off off on Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 18 off true off doors_long off on off off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 18 ''Reveal Map'' forced to on
393157 2025-01-19 14:41:08 permalink 0 06.29 1452913414190492904 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off explore 100% map,collect 100% items,kill all mini bosses,kill all G4,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 16
393158 2025-01-19 14:41:44 permalink 0 03.37 7835758510885401069 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off explore 100% map,collect 100% items,kill all mini bosses,kill all G4,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 16
393159 2025-01-19 14:42:10 permalink 0 02.94 4097662335677230850 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off explore 100% map,collect 100% items,kill all mini bosses,kill all G4,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 16
393160 2025-01-19 14:42:20 permalink 0 02.94 974078619420322909 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off explore 100% map,collect 100% items,kill all mini bosses,kill all G4,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 16
393161 2025-01-19 14:47:11 permalink 0 03.97 6739384139728226073 regular Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393162 2025-01-19 14:47:59 permalink 0 02.73 2474490293207252751 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off explore 100% map,collect 100% items,kill all mini bosses,kill all G4,kill all yapping maws,kill all kagos,kill all cacatacs,kill all beetoms,kill all ki hunters,kill all space pirates,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false Required objectives limited to 9 instead of 16
393163 2025-01-19 14:54:45 permalink 0 02.25 6318125982612453647 veteran Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium harder normal random vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393164 2025-01-19 15:00:12 permalink 0 04.52 2291173890391442393 casual Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off fastest medium late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393165 2025-01-19 15:02:50 permalink 0 02.75 6248456046799684460 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393166 2025-01-19 15:18:54 permalink 0 02.80 349377286471324095 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393167 2025-01-19 15:29:32 permalink 0 02.49 5666845324899049624 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393168 2025-01-19 15:41:48 0 03.00 3194271675066167348 SMRAT2021 random Ceres,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Wrecked Ship Main,Business Center off off off off off off 45 Major 10 off VARIAble easy normal off vanilla 100 3 3 1 normal off off kill three G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off on off off off Balanced on off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 8 off false on off off off off on off off true Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
393169 2025-01-19 15:45:46 permalink 0 02.19 9047808400661399757 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393170 2025-01-19 15:55:04 255 23.56 890564245602245095 veteran Landing Site light on on off on off 45 Scavenger random off speedrun hardcore normal on medium random random random random harder on on kill all G4,kill shaktool off off off Fast off off off off on off on off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off on on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true Could not find an area layout with these settings; Could not find a door color combination with these settings; Scavenger seed generation timed out;
393171 2025-01-19 15:55:56 permalink 0 02.31 7005332001467434515 veteran Landing Site light on off off on off 45 Scavenger random off speedrun hardcore normal on medium random random random random harder on on kill all G4,kill shaktool off off off Fast off off off off on off on off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off on on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393172 2025-01-19 15:58:47 permalink 0 02.50 2226930469976204561 regular Landing Site full on off off on on 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393173 2025-01-19 16:11:16 permalink 0 00.41 6583159547951188588 regular Landing Site full on off off on on 45 Full 10 off speedrun hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393174 2025-01-19 16:17:21 permalink 0 06.85 1128517518297441052 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393175 2025-01-19 16:17:55 permalink 0 02.18 9012412303367784898 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393176 2025-01-19 16:27:28 permalink 0 09.30 8327430974319984426 regular Landing Site full on on off off off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393177 2025-01-19 16:28:07 permalink 0 01.01 1847780366088809759 regular Landing Site full on off off on on 45 Full 10 off speedrun hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393178 2025-01-19 16:42:18 permalink 0 01.73 6012879903242768375 regular random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Big Pink,Wrecked Ship Main,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on off off off 45 Major 10 off speedrun hard normal off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4,kill all mini bosses,collect all upgrades off off off Fast off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Morph Placement'' forced to normal for custom start location
393179 2025-01-19 17:05:17 permalink 0 02.34 3975676969475747928 newbie random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble hard normal off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Vanilla off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off off off off on off off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393180 2025-01-19 17:13:24 permalink 0 01.60 6777726489220719194 TheCelkieTrainingGrounds random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on on off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore random late,normal off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,explore 75% map kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,explore 75% map 8 on on Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 9 off true off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on
393181 2025-01-19 17:15:26 permalink 0 03.41 5875142733421214230 casual Landing Site full on on off off off 45 Full 10 off slow hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393182 2025-01-19 17:19:51 permalink 0 02.84 2296682351830912818 c445 Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off slow mania early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393183 2025-01-19 17:37:25 permalink 0 02.30 5500416443182797451 markmasonx Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Major 10 off VARIAble hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393184 2025-01-19 18:42:26 permalink 0 03.46 97065153458545080 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium medium early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off on off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393185 2025-01-19 18:49:16 0 02.46 1601818359840270772 SMRAT2021 Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off VARIAble easy early off vanilla 100 3 3 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off on off off off Balanced off off door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false on off off off off on off off false Maximum difficulty could not be applied everywhere. Affected locations: [ Ridley: hard ]
393186 2025-01-19 18:52:07 permalink 0 01.76 3559612335347871686 veteran Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Chozo random off VARIAble hardcore normal on medium random random random random harder on on kill all G4,kill shaktool off off off Fast off off off off on off on off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off on on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393187 2025-01-19 18:53:10 permalink 0 00.67 6377087740113030653 veteran Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Chozo random off VARIAble hardcore normal on medium random random random random harder on on kill all G4,kill shaktool off off off Fast off off off off on off on off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off on on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393188 2025-01-19 18:54:22 permalink 0 03.77 9041687508853400154 casual Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun medium late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on mirror 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393189 2025-01-19 18:56:02 permalink 0 03.53 3562961528150419008 casual Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off random slowest,slow,medium,fast,fastest,basic,VARIAble,speedrun medium late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393190 2025-01-19 19:00:26 permalink 0 04.69 6060069987197888387 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393191 2025-01-19 19:01:05 permalink 0 02.65 4874339137057858264 master Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off medium mania early on vanilla 60 1 1 1 harder on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on on off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean on on on Vanilla on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393192 2025-01-19 19:07:30 permalink 0 02.77 4367960271328432582 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393193 2025-01-19 19:14:01 permalink 0 07.00 6258440897204470622 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393194 2025-01-19 19:17:37 permalink 0 02.39 7534574085926558805 Nitos Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393195 2025-01-19 19:33:15 permalink 0 03.64 9205643935591337023 master Landing Site full on on off on on 100 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393196 2025-01-19 19:34:07 permalink 0 04.83 7644988269619190533 casual Landing Site full on on off on off 45 Full 10 off random fastest,VARIAble medium late off vanilla 100 3 2 1 easier on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393197 2025-01-19 19:35:43 permalink 0 06.39 3102222949264611915 newbie Landing Site off off on on off off 45 Chozo 10 off fastest hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 3 3 easier on off kill ridley,kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill spore spawn,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo 6 off off Disabled off off off off off on off on on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla,mirror 4 on false off on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence Ignored animals surprise because of non vanilla ROM flavor
393198 2025-01-19 19:50:59 permalink 0 05.05 7290546185764589446 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off fast easy early off vanilla 100 2 2 2 easier off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393199 2025-01-19 20:03:00 permalink 0 06.38 4281624768123244906 regular Landing Site full on off off on off 45 Major 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2.2 1.1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393200 2025-01-19 20:13:03 permalink 0 06.09 9050532889647166330 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393201 2025-01-19 20:13:12 permalink 0 01.99 8503678066985602095 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393202 2025-01-19 20:28:54 permalink 0 02.70 4202259637692779885 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium harder early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393203 2025-01-19 20:48:59 permalink 0 01.87 4622244549641634827 newbie Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off speedrun hardcore normal off vanilla 100 4.6 1 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on off off off off off off Vanilla off off off vanilla 4 off false off off off off off off off off true
393204 2025-01-19 20:56:15 permalink 0 03.05 8390472465519957165 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off fast easy early off vanilla 100 2 2 2 easier off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off on on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393205 2025-01-19 21:02:35 permalink 0 03.87 1759069429484570553 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393206 2025-01-19 21:06:24 permalink 0 02.89 7176480523918222240 casual random Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off on on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off
393207 2025-01-19 21:22:08 permalink 0 05.94 600155411296631659 Custom_rive Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Full 10 off slowest mania normal on vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off on off off off off off off on on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393208 2025-01-19 21:22:20 permalink 0 06.88 7531147013533546471 Custom_rive Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Full 10 off slowest mania normal on vanilla 100 3 2 1 harder on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off on off off off off off off on on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393209 2025-01-19 21:39:08 permalink 0 02.16 9181728886261864627 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off fast medium early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393210 2025-01-19 21:42:08 permalink 0 02.97 2833137387355278165 regular Landing Site off off off off on off 45 Full 10 off fast hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off on off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off on off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393211 2025-01-19 21:49:34 permalink 0 01.27 1652729551782991965 newbie Landing Site off off off on off off 45 Chozo 10 off fastest hardcore early off vanilla 100 3 3 3 easier on off kill ridley,kill kraid,kill spore spawn,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo 6 off off Disabled off off off off off on off on on on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random vanilla,mirror 4 on false off on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Escape randomization'' forced to on Enemies enabled during escape sequence Required objectives limited to 5 instead of 6 Ignored animals surprise because of non vanilla ROM flavor
393212 2025-01-19 21:50:03 permalink 0 06.34 2976870745130136842 regular Landing Site full on off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393213 2025-01-19 22:03:04 permalink 0 06.00 1122883699933370667 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393214 2025-01-19 22:27:28 permalink 0 03.39 6202842440122329266 regular Landing Site off off on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard late on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Fast off off off off off on off off off on on Progressive off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 on false off on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393215 2025-01-19 22:54:15 permalink 0 01.51 7750815777183648541 casual Landing Site light on on off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal on on kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off area_rando_gate_crab_tunnel,area_layout_crab_hole,area_rando_gate_greenhillzone,aqueduct_bomb_blocks,area_rando_gate_caterpillar,area_layout_caterpillar,area_rando_gate_east_tunnel,area_layout_east_tunnel,area_layout_ln_exit,area_layout_single_chamber,east_ocean off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393216 2025-01-19 22:55:19 permalink 0 01.76 1937958864512591174 Arc2023 random Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on on off off 45 FullWithHUD 10 off medium hardcore random early,late,normal off vanilla 100 3 2 1 random easier,normal,harder off off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore kraid s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,explore 75% map kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore kraid s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,explore 75% map 5 off off Fast off off off off off on off on on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 8 on true off on off on on on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393217 2025-01-19 22:56:14 permalink 0 00.80 8874825060503749845 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Scavenger 15 off speedrun hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393218 2025-01-19 22:57:27 permalink 0 02.05 6809874354942736757 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Scavenger 12 off speedrun hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393219 2025-01-19 22:58:38 permalink 0 02.50 4434693072878921896 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Major 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random mirror 4 off false off default off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393220 2025-01-19 22:59:08 permalink 0 01.95 4101942215607995139 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Major 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on random mirror 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393221 2025-01-19 23:07:41 permalink 0 03.19 8532958162204834430 regular random Ceres,Landing Site,Gauntlet Top,Green Brinstar Elevator,Big Pink,Etecoons Supers,Wrecked Ship Main,Firefleas Top,Business Center,Bubble Mountain,Mama Turtle,Watering Hole,Aqueduct,Red Brinstar Elevator,Golden Four off off on on off off 45 Full 10 off medium hard early off vanilla 100 5 3 2 normal off off kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws kill kraid,kill phantoon,kill draygon,kill ridley,kill one G4,kill two G4,kill three G4,kill all G4,kill spore spawn,kill botwoon,kill crocomire,kill golden torizo,kill one miniboss,kill two minibosses,kill three minibosses,kill all mini bosses,collect 25% items,collect 50% items,collect 75% items,collect all upgrades,clear crateria,clear green brinstar,clear red brinstar,clear wrecked ship,clear kraid s lair,clear upper norfair,clear croc s lair,clear lower norfair,clear west maridia,clear east maridia,explore 25% map,explore 50% map,explore 75% map,explore crateria,explore green brinstar,explore red brinstar,explore wrecked ship,explore kraid s lair,explore upper norfair,explore croc s lair,explore lower norfair,explore west maridia,explore east maridia,tickle the red fish,kill the orange geemer,kill shaktool,activate chozo robots,visit the animals,kill king cacatac,kill all space pirates,kill all ki hunters,kill all beetoms,kill all cacatacs,kill all kagos,kill all yapping maws off on off Vanilla off off off off off on off off on on on Progressive on on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla random off true off on off on off on on on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true ''Suits restriction'' forced to off ''VARIA HUD'' forced to on
393222 2025-01-19 23:08:38 permalink 0 04.84 4543473082671910611 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo false
393223 2025-01-19 23:15:21 permalink 0 01.50 1597594577899273093 newbie Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off speedrun hardcore normal off vanilla 100 4.6 1 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off on off off off off off off Vanilla off off off vanilla 4 off false off off off off off off off off true
393224 2025-01-19 23:35:47 permalink 0 01.56 2624500364997486416 casual Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393225 2025-01-19 23:37:52 permalink 0 02.80 4524958904217346419 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393226 2025-01-19 23:38:04 permalink 0 04.35 8437992568748695632 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore early on vanilla 100 3 2 1 normal off off kill all G4 off off off Vanilla off off off off off off off off off on on Balanced off on door_indicators_plms,dachora,early_super_bridge,high_jump,moat,spospo_save,nova_boost_platform,red_tower,spazer,climb_supers,brinstar_map_room,kraid_save,mission_impossible on vanilla 4 off false off off off off off on off on bomb_torizo,WS_Etank,LN_Chozo true
393227 2025-01-19 23:40:21 permalink 0 02.41 36664041831837478 regular Landing Site off off off off off off 45 Full 10 off medium hardcore